Fashion House Prices.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Garment Swagger.

The tailored garment has more to offer and has a better fitting. Have a good quality cotton yarn or material of choosing can last for duration of years and maintain its quality. These tailored garments have a certain sensuality thus are figurer hugging altogether nicer to ware. This was a thriving industry for Erica fashion until the lease expired. As this thriving business expanded grew a large customer base as there is no competitor. Garments were much in demand as good quality cut always is and hard to find. It adds a sensual feel and gives a certain confidence to the wearer thus a swagger is almost certain. There are many admirers of unique tailored garments. Coupled with quality fabrics they cannot be bought at least not off the peg! I know this as being with in supply chain has taught but like many cottage industries depends heavily on sole trading customer satisfaction almost certainly guaranteed.

Both the fashion factories and designs with in small fashion houses totally different. Cottage industry sub out tendered contracts this gives a technical advantage to factories. But cottage enterprises have a unique edge to their market, as being the sole supplier unique quality fits the customer needs. As this market expands where Erica fashion shares the vision within where poverty stricken countries have the ability to incorporated them into this multimillion industry, first by catering for their immediate home market. The Industry of cottage garment is almost free to manufacture. A tailor can have all this with a little material spool of tread and a sowing machine. This is where one can have the highest quality garments. So say hello to this new concept here at Erica fashion.

First I will show how a straight stitching works next I show how a zing sag stitch works. Plus an over locking stitch used after the cutting of fabric to stop fabric from ravelling. Your sowing machine is more valuable than you may first have taught with good cutting as I give a list of templates to allow you the tailor to get provocative within the varied cutting and design. I show photos and samples of products simplistic dress designs.Erica fashion hopes this will allow organisation of tea biscuits gatherings where groups and house gatherings can show off their collections of garments. To put some of these ideas into motion all fabric has to have a high quality yarn. This is for the garment to remain intact true out the varied wash cycles.

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