said to fashion house, the question was how far will they go. Alina Kabaeva MP said It’s funny how women are made to feel embarrassed or ashamed for liking girly things. Girls are made to feel bad about not having the traditional strength of men or being exceptionally aggressive. So are more women today masculine? Yes. Are more men today more feminine? Yes. But what defines femininity and masculinity? Chromosomes and hormones or just {social roles} mere persecutions defined by society? If a woman is good at weight training and another is good at classical ballet - why can’t both types be respected and celebrated? Why must we conform to groups? Let’s be their individually be defined” As fashion house agrees that may well be. But their seems to be persecution for the ware of garment's. There is an industry this should include even the imprisoned, style should be a choice for individual not a committee and even mrs gorbachev promoted Russian Fashion.
Duma that workers will also have to minimise contact with journalists, directing all work-related questions to the press service though in a "polite" manner, the paper said. The so-called Code of Ethics impacts everyone working in the State Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament, including deputies and their staff members. The Moskovsky Komsomolets daily newspaper said "This code recommends a business style marked by formality, restraint, tradition, and neatness", which might spell the end of miniskirts and low-cut blouses for many parliamentary assistants, the paper quipped and when speaking to each other, they will have to refrain from all "rudeness" and "arrogance", the guidelines prepared on the orders of the president's anti-corruption committee said. Russian MPs and their aides will soon have to follow a new ethics code forbidding miniskirts and indiscreet behaviour that may tarnish the image of parliament, a report said.
he Russian Duma
was infamous for "loud arguments" and even fist fights during its raucous
sessions in the 1990s, although the chamber has now lost much of its spark,
with many deputies failing to show up for regular session now resorted to picking on fashion. As nothing can be as good as a tailored garment, this beauty is in the eye of the phobic now. It should not be a decision for any political establishment to pass judgement on fashion taste. Here with Erica Fashion hopes that maybe this
girl can bring fashion reform, as the former Russian Prime Minister
Putin looks on with admiration.
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