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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tomato delight.

the fashion house bring news of latest hip fashions. Its from the up and coming spring collection it brings a colourful change to fashion, which in turn prompts many to consider a slight change to their hairstyles. Lopping off a considerable length to go from "long" to "short", adding a few streaks or coloring for accent, or perhaps getting a perm or wave will allow most people to achieve the look they're after.
Well-balanced hair style, the cut truly captures the look of a nice ripe tomato. Unfortunately there is no back shot, however we're sure that even when seen from that angle it will prompt passersby to head over just to tweak there nose, ripe for arm candy just to stroll out for an evening's dinner. O yes it a short eared cat in this photo-hot.

Tomatoes, it seems, are on people's minds, as the other day a tomato-costumed rider boarded the Tokyo-bound Odakyu line train causing a bit of a stir.One trendsetter, however, decided an extreme makeover was needed to celebrate the arrival of warmer weather and the start of the college year. As the following picture shows she didn't go with a garden variety cut, she went for the garden itself, turning her lovely locks into a tomato fashion new look of tomato heading out on a night club cause somewhat of an academic sensation.
Response on the Net has been resoundingly positive to a tweeted picture of her new look said word "I want that hair style" "How cute" "So adorable look like got good candy" "I want to cut and color mine the same way" "Nice" As the top down shot shows, the coloring is perfect with the dark green stem / leaves contrasting nicely against the bright red body of the tomato fruit, ah, hair.

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