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The researchers came to this conclusion after carrying out a study on 207 people: 88 new students and 119 website users. The participants in the study, who had an average age of 29, were asked to fill out questionnaires on how they communicated in bed, verbally or otherwise, and how satisfied they were with their sex lives. The results showed that feeling apprehensive about this kind of communication could really harm a healthy sex life. “It came as no surprise that individuals who felt more comfortable with talking dirty had higher self-esteem,” according to the article in Live Science.But quiet partners don’t necessarily fail in all areas: non-verbal communication can also be a sure way of heating things up, according to Elizabeth Babin:“Non-verbal communication can be less intimidating, so moving or moaning can express what you’re feeling rather than saying ‘Yes, that’s good’ or ‘I like that’,” she explains. “Saying these things just feels, too direct for some people. ”According to the researcher talking in bed“ Talking maybe just a skill that needs to be learnt sometimes in group or at brainstorming sessions ” that we all need to learn. Source: An examination of predictors of non-verbal and verbal communication of pleasure during sex and sexual satisfaction, Elizabeth A. Babin, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Published online before print before the end of 2012. here are some leather biker skin jackets that make for a more entertaining expressive, communication only by Erica Fashion.
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