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Friday, November 23, 2012

Fashion Dance Show.

Fashion danced it was a creation of a fashion show with silk stockings putting them on with a courteous fashion show danced with a sales ending in this new panorama it an hour and a half of pure pleasure viewing with a selling finally, this is where the young interpret their dance. Tell stories and make the audience laugh sell some of the fashion niceties. Fashion house gets to entertain the audience, something that so many choreographers of today no longer do. Together with ballet, whose re-created costumes as well as the lighting, images and music  are as important to the dance itself, fashion house has succeeded in bringing souvenirs and  memories back to life, creating something new, fresh and packed with charm with emerging artists who can act and sing as well as dance for an audience.

Erica Fashion Opticon is a mesmerizing kaleidoscopic adventure where visitors are propelled behind the scenes of this universe to enter into a world of fantasy and beauty. All the magic of his optical illusions, his visual inventions and the machinery of the other side of the décor are there for everyone to share. personalities of his dancers with their collaboration, it was a challenge to give these well-known solos to unknown interpreters, an enormous risk were it not for the magic, poetry and lyricism running through this work making it so accessible to dancers and spectators alike.

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