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Friday, November 16, 2012

From The Fashion House.

Suffering from the effects of sugar plus the withdrawal it led by this excruciating process. So why are people bothered to extract sugar from their diet beside the bleaching agents? We know too much rots the teeth and makes little girls size balloon with health issues. But cutting it out a diet completely – what is the point of that? A growing number of American scientists believe the sweet stuff contributes to 35 million deaths worldwide each year. They say added sugar (rather than natural sugars found in fruit, for instance) is in part responsible for obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and liver problems. It seems the message  must hit home. In the States, there is a whole genre of literature devoted to sugar and its evils. Endocrinologist Robert Lustig’s Sugar has at the end a bitter truth this lecture has been viewed almost three million times on YouTube.
So the fashion house has gone all fruity as sugar can leave you with blinding headache’s and feeling dizzy. even in a study, it says ones is barely able to concentrate with out the gift of sugar and caffeine and other unwelcome products like creams that destroy girls bodies Erica Fashion recommend natural oils that are a fraction of the price use morning and night. As the brain seems to take a turn towards these interdiction properties that people take for granted allows a person to turn into behaving like an ill-tempered desperado's. Sometimes with out sugar we  find it drip-torture in attempts to brake this cycle Sugar is addictive, says Lustig. He claims sugar causes insulin levels to go up, which interferes with the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin. His devotees say the only route to good health is to cut out added sugar completely in what has been dubbed ‘The Sweet Nothing Diet’. Advocated on countless blogs – and by a couple of my friends – those who follow it say they have bags more energy, have lost weight (if they were fat) and have better skin.

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